Welcome to my Winter Cycling Blog

Friday, April 4, 2008

Cycling High

I took the road bike out for the fifth time this season. I set out to do around 1800’ feet of climbing at the distance of 22.3 miles. The last 1.2 miles of the climb is in that dreaded Hors category which means beyond classification in the racing community. I started out slow bring the pace up at the three mile mark. That’s when the grade of the climb starts to increase then turns back in to long roller types of hills. This is when that Cycling High kicked in. That blood pumping, vein bursting, I can do anything came to bear. The feeling of being unstoppable while climbing is the best drug MONEY CAN’ BUY!

So go out and find that one climb that you love. Then totally destroy it. It does the body good. Even as I write this I’m still feeling the effect of this high that money can’t buy 16 hours later.

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TourPro said...
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