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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Green Rant

The human race has exactly one, single chance to get this right. We get our GHG output to a net negative profile worldwide before the permafrost melts and releases gigatons of methane or most of us, our our children die. The computers ticking away in your Aspen ski resort are going to get awfully lonely waiting for new check-ins then.

Anybody who thinks corporate greenwashing is anything but cynical marketing is truly deluded. Most of these companies have people near the top that can understand the consequences of not having an arctic ice cap. They are all just practicing an I got mine now bub, policy at the executive level. Or haven’t you noticed that GM’s executives still get paid millions while the company loses billions of dollars per year?

The fundamentalist christians that disdain greens are just one mega-tornado from turning into fundamentalist Amish. When god starts hunting you down personally and hammering your churches and destroying your towns down to the last outhouse it could be time to listen. When they do us liberal greenie weenies may be tolerated but those too stupid to make the switch and caught in last minute profit-taking are going to be strange fruit on the old oak tree.

Americans have no problems with human sacrifice. Push them hard enough and they won’t wait for new laws and new courts. These people are being pushed very, very, hard by Wall Street and the GOP now and they are getting the idea about where their real enemies are.

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